Thursday, March 25, 2010

Saturday Special


The children came to Manav Sadhna and prayed. The children were told about Shivratri. A group of 10-12 students from NID were welcomed. They came to help the children made arts and crafts out of newspapers. The NID students talked to the children about making these arts and crafts. The children were served by Naitikbhai of Seva Cafe—it was his birthday, so he distributed chocolate to the children. From the Manav Sadhna parivar, Seemaben’s grandmother served puri, shaak, khaman, shiro, and crisps, then the children went home.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Saturday Special


The children came to Manav Sadhna and prayed. They sang songs and were told stories. Out of newspaper, 13-14 NID volunteers taught the children to make: hats, bags, mats, frogs, and flowers.

It was Mauliben’s, a Manav Sadhna volunteer’s, birthday. She came with her friends and family to Manav Sadhna to serve puri, shaak, doodhpak, and crisps.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Buses full of smiles, 120 children living at Ashramshala hostel were treated to an exciting outing at Kankaria Lake. Dressed to impress for the special occasion, the boys and girls patiently waited for their boat ride around the Lake. Laughing together and energized after their water adventure, they climbed out of the boats not expecting to see the next surprise that awaited them around the corner. The kids began jumping up and down at the sight of the choo choo train heading their way. One by one, they sang Gujarati tunes as they piled into the train carts. Looping around the lake, the kids scanned the surrounding scenery of colored lights, smelled the tasty nasto stands, and eagerly waved “bye!” to every passerby.

Thinking their fun was at its end, Manav Sadhna provided yet another treat—dinner followed by ice cream for dessert. Kids, staff, and volunteers all grabbed a seat at picnic benches to share the excitement of the night and share a full plate of food together. The night not only brought happiness to each child, but created a deeper sense of community amongst the entire group and made the staff feel just as young at heart.